Atlantic Branch  (est. 2010)

About the Atlantic Branch

Welcome to the Atlantic Branch of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada. The Branch was formally approved by the RHSC Board in the latter part of 2010. The area covered by the Branch includes Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, PEI and Newfoundland & Labrador.

Branch Executive:

President:  click to view arms in the Society's roll of arms
Hammonds Plains, NS
Vice-President: TBD
Secretary: TBD
Treasurer: TBD
Webmaster TBD
Director: TBD
Past President: Paul Langan
These members are armigerous, click on the shield next to their name to view their arms.

Membership Info:

Members of the Atlantic Branch must first be members of the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada.

Released: May 27, 2011 / Last modified: May 27, 2011